Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This Hatred We Call Tolerance read at Cafe Ballou for W4tB 4-16-12

This Hatred We Call Tolerance

Two kinds of tolerance:

1) the ability

or willingness

to tolerate something, such as

the existence of opinions or behavior

that one does not necessarily agree with;

2) the capacity to endure

continued subjection

to something

without adverse reaction.

Love your neighbor

as he tries to destroy you

by gathering the troops,

circling the legislative wagons.

Why? Really, why are we obligated

to tolerate those who hate us

and are trying to destroy us?

Why can't we assert radically

different worldviews,

different vocabularies,

metaphysics? Why are we

obligated to tolerate stupidity?

Why can't we just say,

"You are wrong,

and you are stupid"?

There's no excuse for stupidity and ignorance.

It doesn't matter how you were brought up

or what your parents thought.

Pick up a fucking book. Google it.

Consider a different perspective.

Hate the right people.

Hate Anita Bryant, George Bush, Sarah Palin,

Hitler, Rick Santorum, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter,

and everyone who makes you want to puke.

It's a free country, right? You should be able

to hate people who make you want to puke.

Because they will hate you, too. Without remorse.

But they won't call it hate.

They'll call it God's commandments

or some other nonsense, appealing

to imaginary authority because

they can't think for themselves.

Or they'll call it tolerance

in self-congratulatory tones,

meaning they find you repulsive,

but aren't they nice to tolerate you.

And we're supposed to tolerate this,

to have respect for their religious beliefs,

when they have absolutely no respect for us.

To deprive someone of their hatred is

to deny their humanity, to deny their right

to be angry at their oppressors.

Hate is strength. Hate is nobility and

pride and standing up for yourself.

This hatred we call tolerance.

Accept everyone, love everyone,

let everyone have their own belief system.

But what if their beliefs are destructive

to your very existence? Or just obviously false?

What if the laws, religious or secular,

deny the legitimacy of your very existence?

Are we supposed to be tolerant?

Tolerance is refusal to think.

Tolerance is a covert putdown.

Tolerance is an euphemism for hatred.

Elizabeth Harper

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